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Thanks to J. O.

The sweetest letter...


"Honestly I have to come out straight here, all I can tell of life is that, everyone is answerable to what he or she believes in, The feelings I have for you grows everyday. Your each expression, leaves an everlasting impression on my heart ... This days I woke up thinking of you.

You’re the thought that starts each morning, the conclusion to each day. I envision you in all that I do, and everything I say. 

You’re the smile on my face, the sparkle in my eye. the warmth inside my heart, the fullness in my life, the constant tingle in my soul. everything in me tells me you can shields the cold of I and my daughter.

You’re all I’ve wanted, all that I need, all I dreamt of, I know you must have heard everything I've said here before now, but I believe it's not from me, I really don't know why I have to do this, but I pray it doesn't come between our friendship. 

You mean so much to me. Am in love with you..."

Fri vers av Rise Little One
Läst 243 gånger och applåderad av 8 personer
Publicerad 2019-03-07 10:21

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Såå vackert och kärleksfullt...

  Lars Hedlin
Verry nicely written!

  Marita Ohlquist VIP
Underbart kärleksbrev, varav hjärtat är fullt skriver pennan!

    Elisabeth Nilsson VIP
Ett underbart berörande kärleksbrev!
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Rise Little One
Rise Little One