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The Undeceiving Thoughtful Request

Oh my dearest, i smile for you in your content. Im quite sure it is the only compensation left  in your power to make. The one that makes me utterly happy. If i had more influense over you i would be totally content. You are your own, your dedikation, i conceal my doubts. I harbour it for the best of purpose you know,and even any preserve or pretence. You could easily have looked at the clearblue  sky, make it dark by just looking at it or make it clearblue. Anyways...it would have affected me...deeply. 

- Well....You are problably not aware of the reversed truth

However i cannot simply resist the fatigue you give me. The feverisch crawling in my blood. My nights of  dreams  for a piece of  twilight. The anguish and torment of longing for your trembling hands on my chest your kisses..on my neck..you gliding down...you make me blush when your behind my back and i can feel you in the corner of my eye. You always make me breath with a sigh. You make me levitate. However so...I do profess some sort of morality, The confindence in us being bound 

 -Did i mention they say they have the most exuisit couisine, will you take me there? 


Prosa (Roman) av Songbird VIP
Läst 180 gånger och applåderad av 2 personer
Publicerad 2019-09-16 19:06

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Songbird VIP