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This New Year’s Eve...



I’ve found myself different

a very strange missing

inside me

I called it hon

a particular love is growing

from the seeds of your name

my thoughts following the contour

of your whole body

slowly staying at your lips

Am recalling your sincere words

feeling the power of your love

tasting the salt of happiness tears

I couldn’t resist anymore

I ought to calm down

The chaos

The needs

The longing

since when those emotions

are settling

since when our love

is turning us

upside down

we’re definitely into it

holding the excitedly unknown

we let life lives through us

this time

and say welcome to our newborn us

shyness but determination

our dearest rainbow

rising steadily

on the horizon

Fri vers av Rise Little One
Läst 172 gånger och applåderad av 8 personer
Publicerad 2020-01-01 17:11

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Din dikt känns som löften inför det nya året...mycket vackert...

  Mona Nordkvist VIP
Vackert med mycket kärlek!

  Lars Hedlin
Oerhört bra och stark gillas mycket!

  Blomma-Stjärna VIP
ja, en mycket vacker erotisk innerligt kärleksfull och hoppfull poetiskt skriven text

    Elisabeth Nilsson VIP
Underbart vackert och hoppfullt diktat i kärlekens namn!
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Rise Little One
Rise Little One