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Unsent Letters

Låten: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4YTTjt8EWRM

Mid December and zero hours of sunlight
comes through
that light grey cover of haze, don’t know what to highlight
for you
In every inch of the air, small molecules of water is drenching my soul
in the cold insight of time, the cold insight of space;
we must all go

I must have fallen asleep
I had this strange dream
where we were on vacation
and the ocean
whispered our names

We live in strange times for sure, I’ve started to falter
in my faith
It’s like a shift of the universe, a change of the weather
And I’m just biding my time, just waiting for the perfect moment to say
all those things in the back of my mind, I think I thought you would hate me,
though you said "no way"

I must have fallen asleep
I had this strange dream
where you could see right through me
and my heart was
a crying child

What I’ve learned through the years
is that some things don’t matter
and some things they change
and some things get harder
and some things are easy
and some things forgotten
But I need you as much now
as I did before
as I will do later
as I will in the future
as I will ever
and forever more

So whatever I wrote, don’t mind, I don’t think I have anything to say
Except it’s enough to acknowledge that I am right here
in order to keep me sane

Övriga genrer (Visa/Sångtext) av blekhet VIP
Läst 499 gånger och applåderad av 4 personer
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Publicerad 2020-12-14 22:40

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