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the empty chear


the one  thing that can contradict itself lies

beyond what we can not comprahend, 

anything beyond it seems so validated.

but in the present lies the pure,

by imagination we call it love. 


There was this one angel noone has ever heard about, 

not even God. 

she smiled and the whole world awakened. 

she knew that within everyone there was love, 

the pure that made devil forgive, 

the thougts she said  smell and the soul can love,

yes, so pure indeed. 

merely the soul we call it but it made the flowers of the garden of the lilies so sweet. 

so full of wisdom indeed. 

oh you love i miss you...

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Läst 132 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2021-02-16 12:03

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