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The Garden of Eros

ay you fall down,

as you fall dawn to the abyss. 

fall down your love as it will flourish as the lillies starts to bloom in mid june and blend to in the fall. you heart blend to its presence. 

ay you see but cannot, begin to melt and you feel. 

yet you cannot. 

stir p to the sun and youll see. 

begin to be, and as the red moon shines its reflection youll finally see.

its indeed full summer now, the heart pf june'

the soul of moon. 

yet thery lies its daffodil.

you ung boy see love as its presence but the youth in you

see as it is. 

the pure and sofl and as

sweet as the mid summer lillies 

yet you are its repetence, yet so

lovelly indeed. 

just fall down and youll finally see.

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Läst 145 gånger och applåderad av 4 personer
Publicerad 2021-02-18 13:35

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