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The Lion of stillness


 Attention is turning

 towards the light that is burning

 The song of the Unborn stills the waves

 Time is lost in the Ocean of pure presence

 Simplicity sings          beyond all things

 Already here so brilliantly clear

 The Lion of stillness



 its roaring silence

 reveals the true boundless Heart

 from which you are never apart

 Your  heart always in His

 simply as it


Fri vers av Nils Teodor VIP
Läst 142 gånger och applåderad av 5 personer
Publicerad 2021-04-09 12:03

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  Sommarnattsljus VIP
Otroligt vacker meditation. Tack! Fint själva formen (lay-out?) på orden också.
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Nils Teodor
Nils Teodor VIP