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"Det vackraste i livet är nästan ingenting. Ett litet leende med vackra tankar" :)



Why you are as you are

why she/he is as she/he is

are you genuine?


The Earth

a stone orb

build on fire

6000 C inside, wow!


A water world

it looks like a blue planet

a wonderer

a pilgrim

a nomad in this big Universe

which we carbon creatures

do not understand – fully.


Now is the summer time

I love to walk on the top

of the crest

of this planet


because I feel something special

that’s why


between the endless void

and the surface of our only home-hope

the earth.


Here we come ...


the living beings among many other

we are :


or not?


The life time is

too short

how I can understand

all this

around me?



It is not good to be motivated by our outrage at the lies and manipulation we are subjected to each and every day? It/she/he warns against the temptation to define ourselves by hatred of the way things are and offers an alternative: to define ourselves by love for our friends and family, the world around us, and the world we can help to bring into something more advance in the future”.


I hear

the nightingales’


4 me

time streams into

something is whispering

be happy


I’m closing my eyes

clouds are passing by

this is not a game

I’m not a gladiator

Should I cry?


the forest and the tall grass

is waiting

4 us…


Fri vers (Fri form) av ERD-man-SKY VIP
Läst 261 gånger och applåderad av 2 personer
Publicerad 2021-08-11 12:14

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