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When The Light Falls


I really hate it when the morning comes
You leave my bed, you leave my home
I wanna turn the hands of time around

I'm left alone here with your scent, that kiss
The bed sheets shape, oh how I miss you here
I just wanna lay you down

So make the light go (away)
Let the hours fly faster (than the eye)
Drench the sky in midnight colors

With the shining stars above
Like two lovers and a curtain call
It's forever you and I

When the light falls

I count the seconds when you're not here
The emptyness, since I had you near
My body aching for your healing touch

The break of dawn is killing me
You only left behind a memory
Remember me, I want you back soo much

So make the light go (away)
Let the hours fly faster (than the eye)
Drench the sky in midnight colors

With the shining stars above
Like two lovers and a curtain call
Its forever you and I

When the light falls

Your buitiful smile
That look from your eye that holds me down
Oh baby how I never want this night to end

All love that you give
Oh how you make me feel
I fear the light that coming round the bend

So make the light go (away)
Let the hours fly faster (than the eye)
Drench the sky in midnight colors

With the shining stars above
Like two lovers and a curtain call
Its forever you and I

When the light falls

Övriga genrer (Visa/Sångtext) av Daniel_78 VIP
Läst 199 gånger och applåderad av 2 personer
Publicerad 2021-11-04 13:53

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  Jeflea Norma, Diana. VIP
it was not a beautiful dream, the contour of the body in the sheet is an indication of reality when the night turns into morning shedding lights on everything that looks like a dream.the acoustics are still disturbed from time to time by the female voice something has to be combed at this bald head.

  lodjuret/seglare VIP
'The morning comes', är det en titel eller en textrad? En hel del människor pratar så att de gärna lägger in andra språks ord än svenska i en mening, vilket kan kännas som en 'onödig grej', men så har det nog 'alltid varit'... Minns osäkert vad eller hur. Kommer en på sig själv med att tänka eller prata så, måste väl även det vara som 'lätt besvärande'. Kul att skriva på litet olika språk i alla fall, då kan ju i alla fall det förstås, av andra som tror sig kunna förstå det språket. Vissa ord får en väl 'gissa sig till', av samm anhang et.
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Daniel_78 VIP