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Cod or else... be gone

oh so you do know
you finally met God?
Have you… now?
Oh I'm glad for you lad
I truly wish I had

a wad ‘of people do agree
they have found “Him”
one by one

in ashes or fire
or dust or dawn
in desserts in oceans
in waves of thorns
in mud n’ shattered bones

yet muddled
so utterly huddled
brought to kneel
“How thus it feel?”

please tell me
do reveal
the songs the lyrics
the words the phrase
of his lord
the magnificent light
the one n only Ace

have you seen ”Him”
in this race?
have you seen “His” face?

appraise the lord
in any way
you can think off

why thus thee
be found, to be
to such appeal?

To me it seems
unreal and strange

to have such an
soul bewildering

for his lord the grace
the god above
one or other

instead of
reaching towards
each n’ other

or to another love
as great and bold and true


where in the world are you?

cause those assembled
huddle close
to their excrement

I suppose
the rows n rows
of bows and feathers
do admire their stand
of things greater
and still

I suppose
those exchanging blows
just shows
what kind of man
they have got to be

to reach for the child
filled with lust
and a hard gripped thong
in hand
is maidenly wrong

all in all
leave me befuddled
or else

Bunden vers (Rim) av Nightngale
Läst 438 gånger
Publicerad 2006-08-04 20:50

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  Björn Donobauer
..If any sort of thing worth to be called god could be found, the finder would be the better than the lost, and so exit even that god..

at best God can find you.. your chance of finding him/it/that/she/them is practically nil.. until you let yourself be found..
,,,or something like it
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