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Heart in Peace

Like fine art

they come they go

the Crowds they flow 

dont look for the pieces you want in me

follow the melody

the line in your life

feel at ease with a surprise 

feel at ease with the sunrise


or the scatter  of the rain 

feel peace within,

our lifeline is to short

be content wheter on land or ashore 

Love your own pieces, your mind your soul

fill your gaps with knowledge and wisdom 

my melody can soothe you

but not furfill 

nurture love without hurt 

mine that field under the sky

dont let time pass you by

be in it in whole

breath and bleed

stay to let go

let go to stay 

carry your heart in the softest mold

(... you fill in the rest) 

Fri vers (Fri form) av Songbird VIP
Läst 124 gånger och applåderad av 3 personer
Publicerad 2022-07-11 10:49

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Songbird VIP