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4-5-3-5 med rim på 1:a, 2:a och 4:e raden.

Fiery Embers

I remember
the fiery ember,
flaming lights
of last September.

Two spirits red,
one merry, one sad
they made my
spirit fireclad.

And I walked bare,
a boisterous flare
in their midst.
The temptresses' lair

was hot and moist,
I could barely hoist
myself up
through the moans they voiced.

It was madness,
dressed up as gladness
I reckon
they whispered sadness

into my ear.
But now I do fear
I long for
them to reappear.

Bunden vers (Annat versmått) av Lustverket VIP
Läst 78 gånger och applåderad av 3 personer
Publicerad 2022-09-20 19:05

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