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I Will Wait



For every year I count the days
Since you been gone

The air of spring, the authum leaves
On our old home

I cannot see, I cannot hear
But every minut I'll be here
Waitin for our star to come round


Travelleling through space and time
Wishing someday you and I
Will meet like the earth greets the sky

At the horison of a dream
Everything is not what it seems
I will wait till the time that I die


There is a place Somewhere else
Where time stand still
Where nothing breaks and nothing change
Against our will

When we can be forever when
All begins, It's wihout end
Will you wait for my day to come by


Im tavelleling through space and time
Wishing someday you and I
Will meet like the earth greets the sky

At the horison of a dream
Everything not what it seems
I will wait till the time that I die


Övriga genrer (Visa/Sångtext) av Daniel_78 VIP
Läst 123 gånger och applåderad av 5 personer
Publicerad 2023-02-15 15:27

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Daniel_78 VIP