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There are no other

There are no other gods but solemn love.
There are no other terms but brocken time.
The destiny exists somewhere above
With written down all the sins and crimes.

I thought once, the heaven was so close,
I would be gone by now. Holy dream!
I watch my days go by in order's flows
Through Universe no matter what I scream.

No matter what I have for lifes' objection
Life goes by. And every step is given me so hard.
No pitty. Where is worlds' reflection
on silly soul that broke once and for all apart?

I'm no good, but could I have been better?
I went througth hurracane and storm
Without help. But does it or it doesn't matter
I'm still alive in any fited form.

There is no other purpose of the life but love.
So keep on going through the pain in veines.
I could have argue that, could cry and even laugh; -
I in the darkness watch my faith forever vanes.

January 2023

Bunden vers (Rim) av Julianna Strandberg VIP
Läst 105 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2023-02-18 21:19

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Julianna Strandberg
Julianna Strandberg VIP