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Final turn

I'm praying now for the final turn:
I'm done with my outrageous fate.
A thousand times, I estimate,
I lost, and thousand times returned.

And I assume it gotta be enough -
Again, once more, a thousand and one
the life of mine has no need to come -
Don't make the Univerce to laugh!

I lived by heart and soul through foreced lives
and each of those lives has ended bad -
with hearteche and myself ashamed
for purety of thougths and innocence of love.

So, please, just stop! I tried, I swear I've tried.
But every time, this each and every f@cking time
I had no choce, no voice, no vote of mine
I couldn't change a thing. Endurance's running dry.

Lets set on fire past and let it burn,
I have no sorrow, no grief and no regret.
I've tried so hard forgive all and forget,
so let it all be gone. I'm in my final turn.


Bunden vers (Rim) av Julianna Strandberg VIP
Läst 95 gånger och applåderad av 4 personer
Publicerad 2023-04-10 14:55

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  Karl-Bo Lundstedt VIP

  Karl-Bo Lundstedt VIP
Detta skulle bli en väldigt häftig låt, säer jag som Musiker.. APPLÅDER O BO-MÄRKE.. KB
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Julianna Strandberg
Julianna Strandberg VIP