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Breif Heaven

The Breif Heaven of Magnolia


Oh is this a breif heaven?

A short time of Euphoria?

Im in aw how evver short it may be

I hope this is not temporary


Oh is it a breif bit of heaven

That you want to do this journey with me

Spend my days, our hours  toghether

howevver fleeting or short they may be

Let the tree whisper soft secrets,

that only you & i can feel and see

I have my past you have yours

Lets just be at ease whithout remourse


Some words sometimes will be to slippery and eluding for you to thuraly grasp

Oh just Spend time with me precious,

you know that life travels so fast

Im honest and want you too see

All the stories whithin me

I want to dive into the depth

of your magic dazzling eys

I want to reach heaven while you cover my

Chest, my mind, my mouth, my soul

and inner thighs


Oh this radiant Chamber of enchanted glow

Your once in a lifetime

love i already know

A incarnation of hearts that overflow

You a tapestry a weawe of joy,

laughter and kindness

You give releif and take me out of my mindmess

You never feel like a salt patch

on a hurting wound

The thought of you kissing me deep

is a journey of light to the sun and the moon


You bring me my couloured fantasys,

and never give me a feeling that desolates

How crazy is this?

Its so profound its so beond


I surrender myself

The honeytounge kisses i want to remeniss

And i will cherish all your ways

Cognizant of feeling is a trade

One that you bear with ease

I feel so humble by your reasurance of truth

If there is a god this surely was sent from up above

to please our giddy reborn youth

Oh the sigh of a endless summer in my highway heart,

what a grandios, surreal start

And if its real its real

We enjoy What we have

Oh its flowers in the winter

And wonder leaves in the fall

So desperate like never before

to feel beutiful and true for you

yet time must take its part

and it will if this love its true




Fri vers (Fri form) av Songbird VIP
Läst 57 gånger och applåderad av 4 personer
Publicerad 2023-10-26 10:12

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  Live2Dream VIP
wow, en hel epik! vackra ord efter vackra ord. älskar så mycket engelska. du gör språket ditt eget <3 :)
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