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Avanti! Vorwärts!


Eventhough some memories have faded

I remember when my mind was invaded

Such an unforgettable fire

Such a whirlwind of manic desire


Do I wanna go back there?

Not at all

I have moved on 

Can you hear my call?

Do I wanna go back there?

No, I don't

But it won't be quiet

on the Eastern front


Eventhough blue cars have collided

and a few bitter tears have subsided

forwards is the only way homewards

there's no option, I have to move onwards


Don't you wanna get back there?

Not anymore

Don't you wanna relive it?

No, I'm sure

Can we ever get back there?

The bridge is burned

Imagine the wage

I would have earned





Bunden vers (Rim) av Larz Gustafsson VIP
Läst 152 gånger
Publicerad 2023-08-08 13:04

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Larz Gustafsson
Larz Gustafsson VIP