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in swedish called "framtidsnostalgi". From Tomiro's diaries written by "We" to him. Began during my own 2018 = 2048 for the vaettir Tomiro. And through different kind of months this story has sporadically continued until 2023/2053.

Tomiro in Retrospective Future (8 choosen chapters)



Monday 33:rd of October 2048

This frosty morning you saw some kind of nuclear robot?!? It just stood there, outside the never closed food store, and stared at you!?! Tomiro, we think you felt that creature was of russian heritage - and had something clearly mystical to do with the disappearance of humans, in parallell to these ordinary tornados. So you didn't dare fixing some breakfast... but strolled around from museum to museum of every half-empty kind, which during human times were closed on mondays... until early evening when your vaettir companions made a party of today's collected treasures. Tonight the summer warmth has come back.



Sunday 78:th of Novaettir 2048

We hope you have a Happy Birthday, Tomiro!?! Snow completely covers half among the doors in city, while other half has summer, depending on storm intervals. Your human appartment is still reachable, so your oldest friend makes his very first visit here. Both 97 years old already!! Well, just youth for a vaettir! If you would've been human, this should be like 22. Toes and fingers not feel tired?!? Yesterday you worked eleven hours in-a-row, bicycling to 3.782 cave corners, delivering chemical balance kits for your people. Many will survive anyway, but since we never know who - you must hurry.



Monday 128:th of Dreamember 2048

Merry new ending, Tomiro! This hot winter morning you don't have to deliver old letters down your endless cave system. We sent for an automatic bicycle to pick you up, instead of magnetic tubetrainwagon which has been stolen. That happened as Conductor Ragnwald went outside to fish some gold, leaving his tubeline to drive completely alone for a whole round. Up cross the human shopping center graveyard, you find more canned pineapple goblins and never played triangular chessboards. When reaching Drottninggatan, we let you watch our eight hands together. Through strange, greenish windows you glimpsed a travelling map for 2049.



Tuesday 12:th of Yani 2049

Tonight you finally dare to visit your neighbor appartment, one floor below, which lies mysteriously abandoned since 2019. It's smell of melted vinyl records, pizza slices and frozen nintendo, has repeatedly felt haunting. Already nostalgic when humans lived there... On the biggest, flattest screen you've ever seen, this Octopath Traveler makes automatic dialogues. Eight characters wanders through 1988:ish shaped, large pixels of some classical world. We let you play the Huntress with her closest snow-leopard. How cruel does it feel to catch, kill or spiritualize many animals, even gigantic squirrels?! You're still that teddybear-hearted boy - however soldier educated nine months.



Wednesday 3:rd of Beforever 2049

You feel our city air is already warmed up to plus thirty, while on Monday it was minus fourty. Factories still keeps their production pace unchanged by neither icestorms nor heathazes. In every factory 87 tobots works to keep millions of tobots satisfied. Since tobots began to multiply by intercourse, in old mammal style - we can't tell anymore how many tobots fills our Tellus. Humans are less than hundred in each eastern, ordinary metropol (for some western here zero). Tomiro, you're a vaettir with nature-created body. Anyhow we notice you wondering : How would life seem being some tobot or human?!



Thursday 53:rd of Marzipan 2049

Today you discovered some humans by a sunny FOUNTAIN. The tallest one were bending down, to possibly find drops left to drink. The fattest one were fingering on that old machine, probably a PIANO, while screaming like some bird never heard before. The smallest one were climbing in that rare, big vegetable they call TREE. Tomiro, you are more used to roots than branches of those. As its crown was reached, the little human let a fishing-line dive deep. The most normal one just stood and looked confused. Whether these humans KNEW each other, you found difficult to figure out.



Sunday 2:nd of Yanu 2050

Another decade arrives already, Tomiro! Last night you watched twenty humans shot themselves up to space, in a private swedish capsule unapproved by Ruschina. Soon every ten-fingered creature has left this planet. Most have gone to moons like Titan or Triton. However biggest news is that small moon around Venus, which never existed until humans built it. We know you hid whole night in your cave-room, avoiding violent flames. Then snoozing away year's first day.... We let you dream about a woman holding her stone-sculptured owl. Still it flew down on your shoulder,  wanted to be kissed rather than photographed.



Friday 62:nd of Maybe 2050

We stopped your heart for half a minute - then pushed you back to this ordinary future. You try to remember when Sweden became a colony under rulership of Ruschina. First steps must have been taken during the corona virus pandemy in 2020. By then Russia and China were separate empires, but co-operated non-officially. They already controled world economy, orchestrated sollutions based on peoples fear. Through satanic laboratories with angelic patience, Ruschina transformed human DNA-sequences. Was that how you became a vaettir or were you born this creature?? Parallell effects were implanted via vaccine. However we wish you wonderful vacation work!









Prosa (100-ordare) av TrollTörnTrappan VIP
Läst 123 gånger och applåderad av 2 personer
Publicerad 2023-08-19 20:57

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Fascinerande framtidsvisioner!

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Du kan verkligen konsten att skriva på ett sätt som får allt märkligt och osannolikt att låta helt naturligt! Månadernas namn känns som små men viktiga detaljer till texterna. Det är väl tex. ingen tillfällighet att Tomiro får en glimt av sin framtida resekarta i Dreamember, månaden med sitt ljuvliga namn.
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