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- Sov på min sommar arm... Dröm med oss bortom molnen. Lustfylld, hos Solen´s sommarsjäl.

About The Silence

Violet souls…
Whisper in silence, to the sleeping sun

Lust in a daydream – their tales steam
in these long turquoise’s skies
The rimes of the slumbering, soft cotton clouds

Soft …as sugar-wools
Soft …as sugar-wolves

Sheeps sleep among these wondrous clouds
To lovely long in their desireless dreams...
Summer sleeping in the Sun:

As soft silent times touches sky -
kissing your embraceable mine…


Fri vers av Jimmy B Bergquist
Läst 483 gånger och applåderad av 2 personer
Publicerad 2007-07-13 13:48

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Jimmy B Bergquist
Jimmy B Bergquist