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And love, love will tear us apart...again...


the best is yet to come
a promise has been made
it all seems distant now
when all dark thoughts invade
they want to quench my hope
or what´s still left of it
i gave them enough rope
because i said my bit

there is something to
look forward to each day
life can be a life long party
viewed that way
but if cancer kills me quickly
i won´t mind
i would leave the pain
and suffering behind

so i dig my heels deep down
i will never be your clown
i ignore your smiles and frowns
i will never leave this town
though some dreams will not come true
i just have to see it through
be a peacock in the crew
when the clouds obscure my view

i´m gonna have myself a party
out there on my own
i´ll never get my act together
no matter how they moan
i´m better of with out the masses
and their talk of being good
sick of hearing about classes
and the the nag bags of the hood

if i can float on this cloud
high enough
long enough
if i can stand strong and proud
in this world
that's tough and rough
then i might make it through
another working week

what happened to the east?
it used to be so red
what happened to the heroes?
well, most of them are dead
i heard that everybody
is happy nowadays
i guess some people are but
it´s not true in my case

beyond the city skyline
a world remains unseen
and all of those adventures
i dreamed of as a teen
cold night air fills my lungs and
impressions enter me
could this man be the real me
or sheer insanity?


Fri vers av Larz Gustafsson VIP
Läst 477 gånger
Publicerad 2007-12-10 10:04

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Larz Gustafsson
Larz Gustafsson VIP