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Ibland var det som om någon annan tittade fram bakom sminket...


you\' re a wildcat on the outside
you\' re a pussycat inside
I could show you all my world
\'cause I\' ve got nothing left to hide
you\' re a diamond in the darkness
sparkling like the promised land
you have set my heart ablaze
wish i could hold your little hand...

all the colours of the rainbow
are reflecting in your eyes
grief is buzzing like a chainsaw
but your voice from paradise
keeps me warm with words of freedom
makes me feel at ease, at home
you are painting my old canvas
like the sunrise paints the dawn

there\'s a message filled with starlight
there\'s a bridge in italy
where the lovers meet and kiss
and where romance has been set free
will you meet me there at midnight?
will you dance my pain away?
our hearts are filled with music
we\'re defying the decay

we could dance and face the sunset
hear the gypsy violins
they are playing while i\' m praying
for forgiveness for my sins
you are sweet like wine and roses
and your scent is heavenly
your humility opposes
all the modern cruelty
October 12, 2004

Fri vers av Larz Gustafsson VIP
Läst 330 gånger
Publicerad 2007-12-23 20:24

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Larz Gustafsson
Larz Gustafsson VIP