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summer has culminated
the climax has been reached
soon enough the autumn will come
and all the people will leave the beach
sometimes i feel frustrated
when dreams keep haunting me
my heart\'s illuminated
by the beams of reality

i will never forget your beauty
never, as long as i live
and i couldn\' t stop admiring you
though i know life has so much to give
so much more than platonic passion
so much for than internal tears
but i\' ll never forget your beauty
never in a million years

summer in scandinavia
is such a precious thing
three lovely months passing by so fast
a season that makes me sing
beauty can make me shiver
make my foundation shake
God is a perfect giver
but i\' m born to make mistakes

when autumn leaves are falling
i will remember you
i will hear norway calling
blond hair and eyes so blue
dark winter nights will follow
blue skies with shining stars
why do i feel so hollow?
are there guitars on mars?

July the 20th, 2006

Fri vers av Larz Gustafsson VIP
Läst 335 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2007-12-27 20:02

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Larz Gustafsson
Larz Gustafsson VIP