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There was a place there where he lost himself Strange feelings did he feel there Strange people did he meet there (The Stranglers)


i\' m just an observer
a passer by
with an urge for gratification
this visitor
must continue this
constant search
for pleasant sensations

songs about ravens and mystery
songs about solitary searchers
songs about starlight and fantasy
songs about lonely lurkers

your hair floats down your shoulders
like a civil war
you look like someone whom i used to love
observing the observer
is too much for you
i\' m from below
and you\' re from far above

spoken part:

the inevitable judgement
is approaching
and there is no escape
most people are unaware
of the warning signs
the harlot is drinking
abominable wine

a walking art exhibition
consuming all of my vision
makes me forget my mission
and promises of submission
the train comes
and takes you somewhere
weird thoughts came
and took me nowhere
i\' m down at the
railway station
i\' m making an

LARZ GUSTAFSSON September 30, 2006

Fri vers av Larz Gustafsson VIP
Läst 335 gånger
Publicerad 2007-12-27 20:22

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joh 14 1-2 ;D
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Larz Gustafsson
Larz Gustafsson VIP