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The times they are a-changing... For better or for worse, a blessing or a curse...


other criterias
are required today
it\'s all about the surface
being displayed
character doesn\'t mean
anything anymore
integrity is not
what they\'re looking for

i\'ve seen the movies
and times were quite different then
i noticed a different approach
between women and men
everything changes
and new values were introduced
you\' re either mel gibson or brad pitt
or you\' re born to lose

so morals and charms
are like things that belong to the past
and still they last longer
than most good looks usually last
i run from it all
i\' m aware that i don\' t stand a chance
at least i don\' t have any problems
with stalkers and fans!

January 6, 2008

Fri vers av Larz Gustafsson VIP
Läst 370 gånger och applåderad av 4 personer
Publicerad 2008-01-06 17:19

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  Ewa-Britt Nilson VIP
The good way, a man
behaves, is the way,
he becomes, a gentleman,
not at all, other things
whatever he brings...
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Larz Gustafsson
Larz Gustafsson VIP