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there is a secret pact
between the children and me
now it´s me and then against the whole wide world
there is a ship with sails
it takes me so far away
far beyond the realm
of every pretty girl

there is a time and place
where this addicition is gone
where it can´t reach me with its sharpened hooks and claws
no one needs my embrace
so take me there any day
i´lll rest assured from all
the measurements and laws

remind me of the promises
and prophecies
refresh my memory
and let me dance again
i know i have been truly blessed
so i can´t be
compared to the successful merrymen

they follow me around
they´re almost everywhere
but they have failed
and they are quite misfortunate
i just sit back and smile
like old mclaren did
´cause i know one day the will just have to quit

the sun is shining bright
but it´s a chilly day
and in the centre of the city
i see children play
when heaven fills my soul it makes me free and whole
today i wouldn´t touch aggression
with a ten foot pole

LARZ GUSTAFSSON Febraury 11, 2008

Fri vers av Larz Gustafsson VIP
Läst 329 gånger och applåderad av 2 personer
Publicerad 2008-02-11 15:52

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  mare VIP
..very nice..when heaven fills my soul....
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Larz Gustafsson
Larz Gustafsson VIP