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we thought we were pretty lame
so we became obsessed with fame
i wanted to promote my name
and reach the limelight
that inferiority
had made such a mess of me
i thought fame would be the key
and get my life right

there we were, my friend and me
starry eyed and wannabes
we kept reading NME
and writing rock songs
we though we would live our dream
become such a supreme team
and no wish was too extreme
but i was so wrong

twenty eight years have gone by
here i sit and wonder why
i strived so hard to live a lie
but i believed it
after sorrow and remorse
my life took a different course
i have truly felt the force
and i\'ve perceived it

i have left the past behind
and that crazy state of mind
where that fool\'s gold kept me blind
and out of order
God showed me a brand new way
far away from the decay
this is where i\' m gonna stay
till i cross the border

March 25, 2008

Fri vers av Larz Gustafsson VIP
Läst 328 gånger
Publicerad 2008-03-25 20:25

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Larz Gustafsson
Larz Gustafsson VIP