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\"Think before you do what they say. It\'s your life, so go your own way\" (Sham 69) \"I don\' t think imitation is a form of flattery. What I like in this world is originality.\" (John Lydon a k a Johnny Rotten)


no one\'s up for grabs
as far as i\' m concerned
all through life
well, that\'s
the lesson that i\'ve learned
finders keepers
losers weepers
get their fingers burned
no one\'s up for grabs
i\'ve left no stone unturned

easy come and easy go
and catch as catch can
going with my own flow
will not lift off the ban
life is just a so-so
when you kick against the pricks
and the force of habit
is a habit that sticks

happy lucky lightly go
the show must go on
dance until you die
before the fiddler is gone
adolf hitler played us
a peculiar song
he must have made
an impact
since they still
march along


April 19, 2008

Fri vers av Larz Gustafsson VIP
Läst 372 gånger och applåderad av 4 personer
Publicerad 2008-04-19 11:54

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Mycket bra.

  Elaine.S VIP
Det känns när man läser som ett rasande tempo. Jag följer med i texten och kastas hit och dit. Tredje delen tilltalar mig mest, den är så sann.
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Larz Gustafsson
Larz Gustafsson VIP