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do you underestimate
your own importance
someone told me
i exaggerated mine
do you treasure
people\'s compliments
like diamonds?
do you keep them
in your temple
like a shrine?

do you dream of concubines
while you are praying?
do you always have to
cut your story short?
is it hard to understand
what i am saying?
did you listen \'cause
you tried to be a sport?

does that void look on your face
mean that you hate me?
is it just a sign of
your indifference?
am i too close to the
pain infected areas?
is there suddenly
a lack of confidence?

insecurity is devious
and painful
you can\' t get youract
together due to it
if you\' ll ever be invited
to the others
you won\' t know
when it is time to
stand or sit

social life can be a
straitjacket of terror
and a stage where you
become a hypocrit
my mistake is so much worse
than human error
and can never be disguised
by verbal wit


May 2, 2008

Fri vers av Larz Gustafsson VIP
Läst 454 gånger och applåderad av 7 personer
Publicerad 2008-05-03 08:24

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    Birgitta Wallgren
Väldigt bra och mycket att fundera över. Bokmärker!

  Louise. J
This me really like.
Tänkvärt verkligen!

  Elaine.S VIP
Tänkvärda ord

  Tess the mess
grymt bra flow i den här Larz!
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Larz Gustafsson
Larz Gustafsson VIP