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På engelska, men jag tror nog att ni förstår ändå. ;) Ganska fånig sak. Men ganska kul också vill jag tro...

Love - My testamony

This is a poem of getting together
this is a poem of life,
it\'s ups and it\'s downs
through joy but also through strife

Here it starts

Some people love their money
some people love their pets
some people love their pain
and thrive on their regrets

But I don\'t have much money
and I\'ve never had a pet
and pain is far too painful
it\'s better to forget

Some people are industrious
a new love every night
some are more ambitious
no one will do but Mr. Right

But I\'m no Casanova
that makes girls stand in line
if she loves me as I am,
one will do just fine

Some people search forever
to find that special one
and when the lovers (if ever) do meet
their life will be wasted and gone

But the love that I have found
caught me by surprise
Love was looking back at me
through a pair of emerald eyes

Here it ends

Now wasn\'t that poem just marvelous?
I started a long time ago
it\'s finally finished, I\'m happy to say
if you like it, please let me know

Fri vers av Djoseph
Läst 588 gånger och applåderad av 2 personer
Publicerad 2008-05-19 17:17

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