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i asked Him: "Lord, am i really that bad?"
He answered: "son, you´re a great big deal worse
but i do love you, so do not be sad
for on the cross i took care of your curse."
He showed me romans, chapter 8 and verse 1
2nd corinthians 5:17
"you´re not condemned
and the old things are gone
and many more need to see
what you´ve seen
go out and tell them the good news, my son
i know you´re fragile and weak
but that's fine
´cause i am working through pots made of clay
so that you´ll see that the power is mine."

"i´ve disobeyed you and i´m such a mess"
i said to Jesus with tears in my eyes
He said: "my word says that you have been blessed
get on your knees, say a prayer and arise."
He showed me harvest fields
that we should reap
He told me He would
be coming back soon
He is the Shepherd
and we are the sheep
He tried to comfort my soul
with this tune

LARZ GUSTAFSSON March 25, 2008

Fri vers av Larz Gustafsson VIP
Läst 279 gånger och applåderad av 4 personer
Publicerad 2008-08-09 08:37

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  Elaine.S VIP
En mycket talande och känslosam text som känns välgörande att läsa...vi är ömtåliga lerkärl men rätt använda håller vi....

Sista stycket berör mig mycket!
Bra Larz!
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Larz Gustafsson
Larz Gustafsson VIP