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one thing´s for sure:

i won´t die with a smile on my lips

another thing´s for sure:

i won´t die with my hands on your hips

and furthermore:

i am never ever gonna get a grip

there´s no encore

you can´t get back on track

once you have slipped

my hedonistic flirting

can´t break the iron curtain

i´m pretty sure

i´m certain

i send out invitations

my smiles won´t cause sensations

they call it alienation

the future´s not unwritten

no room for catwalk kittens

i am once shy and twice bitten

this case just never closes

same story

brand new poses

but no wine and no roses


September 25, 2008

Fri vers av Larz Gustafsson VIP
Läst 324 gånger och applåderad av 5 personer
Publicerad 2008-09-25 20:19

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