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Jag har skrivit ny text till Skrewdrivers underbara låt "Back With A Bang"



do you remember in the winter

back in 1979?

people said the punk rock thing was over

´cause things had started to decline

we started bands in 1980 and we played

in places all over this town

then some of us recorded albums

and then a lot of other bands would come around

we were back with bang then

we´re back with a bang again

there are still reasons to be angry

there are still reasons to rebel

there are still stories that are waiting to be told

by all of us who lived to tell

we were back with a bang then

we´re back with a bang again

i am on the dole and i´m an adult

i know what it´s all about

i´ve got such a lot of steam inside me every day

and somehow i´ve got to let it out

LARZ GUSTAFSSON November 21, 2008

Music composed by: Skrewdriver

Fri vers av Larz Gustafsson VIP
Läst 206 gånger och applåderad av 5 personer
Publicerad 2008-11-21 16:52

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  Elaine.S VIP
Det här är en text som känns äkta, från en som varit med innan och som nu lite äldre har ännu mer med sig i bagaget att berätta om.

"there are still reasons to be angry

there are still reasons to rebel

there are still stories that are waiting to be told

by all of us who lived to tell"

  Måna N. Berger
"there are still reasons to be angry
there are still reasons to rebel"

... and there will always be!

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Larz Gustafsson
Larz Gustafsson VIP