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Texten finns även på Bizex-B:s CD "Tillbaka Med En Smäll", där den sjungs av mig, som tidigare var bandets sångare.

welcome to the war
there are many obstacles
welcome to the Lord
He´s promised you a miracle
grab your shield of faith
you´ll be mocked
so don´t be shocked
you´re on solid ground
standing on the Holy Rock

blitzkrieg against babylon
the line has been drawn
i can face the new dawn
blitzkrieg against babylon
bridges are burning
while the world keeps on turning
blitzkrieg against babylon
hell is on fire
the devil´s a liar

i´ll just follow the river
till i´ve reached the big sea
and then we´ll see
what's left of me
maybe i´ll declare a war
against the whole wide world
maybe i´ll find peace with myself
in search of the precious pearl

i can see the new dawn
reflecting in your eyes
it is so encouraging
a foretaste of paradise
side by side together
we´ll fight this holy war
the land of never never
can´t have us anymore

LARZ GUSTAFSSON August 1997, August 1998
Musik: Perra Isaksson

Fri vers av Larz Gustafsson VIP
Läst 272 gånger och applåderad av 2 personer
Publicerad 2008-11-29 13:05

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bra text!

  mare VIP
Bravo bravo...``welcome to the Lord`` Han är bäst !!
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Larz Gustafsson
Larz Gustafsson VIP