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såhär 10 år efter så kan man ju lugnt säga att man överreagerade ganska ofta på den tiden...men det blev ju dikter av det...såsom många kändare verk än mina också har kommit till...

The Torch

I am the living Torch
I am the burning flame
everyone I touch will do the same
I carry my emotions outside my body
and I burn for Thee!
A womanshape dances the Dance of the 7 Veils
at the edge always - shall love prevail?
Living Fire.
Always when I meet this flame
the fire becomes to an ignition
and love cascades into the other plane.
I am a victim of implosion
and yet ready for the explosion
to transcend.
Aye, this I do comprehend.
I dreamt of my black cat again
my only fulfilling succuba, my Bast
captured at the other side, longing insane
I am divided in parts
I sit like a mosaic at my hearth
Someone has my legs
My wolf is a wolf's
I don't dare mention Dragons.
One has my body, another my heart
One a loving partner in battle
another my admiration
another has my adoration
Someones my idolization from start
A dear friend my life
and we shall never part
Why can't I be a whole?
Someone even got my writersoul
And my sensual spirit flies.
Shattered is a good word now,
if anti-climax was before
to reach love by ten
they bless me with love to being friends
and still I sit alone crying
seeing happy couples come and go through the door.
I am too Sympathetic
and not pathetic
There's a huge difference between
psychopathic and being psychic.
The future will never be.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~New Year's Eve 1997~~

Fri vers (Fri form) av L Patrik W Johansson VIP
Läst 458 gånger och applåderad av 4 personer
Publicerad 2009-01-23 23:00

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riktigt bra :)

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Bravo, bravo, bravo!!!
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L Patrik W Johansson
L Patrik W Johansson VIP