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Still I wonder

And still I wonder
over the mystery
how a man so totally
falls into the helplessness of a child
and gives up whitout fight
if there´s no woman
that lightens up his darkness
and carries his pride
makes him feel like a king

For what is a life worth
if the man just take
but never give.

And still I wonder,
over the mystery
how a child so bravely
raises up to to the limit sky
and throughout all the pain
won´t give up without fight
when there´s no one there
to lighten up its darkness
makes it feel proud
let it be the shining star

For what is life without hope?
And where is hope,
if no one´s there
and makes the sacrifice?

And still I wonder
over the mystery
how a woman so completely
and willingly always makes
what a woman always do
being the bright shining light
not caring about her own pride
and not making herself a queen

What´s the meaning of such sacrifice,
that´s nothing worth?
And why pay the price,
when it means your own sacrifice?

Fri vers av Öknens Ros VIP
Läst 749 gånger och applåderad av 7 personer
Publicerad 2009-03-03 23:01

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Kärlek på engelska lyckas här extra bra,

"when it means your own sacrifice",
vilket fantastiskt offer!

  S-E Forslin/same
the woman born with real power, then she sits on the power for life - Woman is therefore the light that illuminates the path for us men.

  Dennis Axelsson
Bra, fint och målande!
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Öknens Ros
Öknens Ros VIP