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Tonight we'll know

What was recently a clear blue sky of young Spring has now been conquered by a thick gray layer of the hounds of weather
A storm approaches

From north it came, and there is more to come
Heavy clouds are rolling in over land and sea, slowly, as if to be sure this is where they were sent
Be quick, turn your head to the south and you might still see a thin blue ribbon across the sky, over there by the horizon, resting gently above the treetops
Seconds later that ribbon of heaven is swallowed by the enormous creatures of the north

Yes, listen to the rain
Listen to the contrast between the distant, still very silent, thunder and the angry drops of rain attacking everything in their way
Mother Nature has unleashed her whimsical April upon us, as usual this time of year, to remind us not to take her young Spring for granted
In sisterhood they stir the human minds with wind and lightning

The sky has been entirely covered by a sheet of lifeless gray, smothering the sun as it leaves us to visit the other side of Earth
Darkness is on its way, just wait
Tonight the storm will come, ruthless with no mercy
Tonight, we will know

Övriga genrer av copsandrobbers
Läst 406 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2009-05-11 19:46

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"Mother Nature has unleashed her whimsical April upon us, as usual this time of year, to remind us not to take her young Spring for granted
In sisterhood they stir the human minds with wind and lighting"

"Tonight the storm will come, ruthless with no mercy
Tonight, we will know "

GUD SÅ BRA DU ÄR! <3 jag ryser!!
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