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the return of diamond star

after almost thirty years

she's still sparkling like a gem

eat your heart out, britney spears!

wrote about her in a song

wonder if she ever knew

on our second album

i don´t think she´s got a clue



she came walking with her son

he resembled her a lot

he´ll become a heartbreaker

using assets that he´s got

i was just a crazy punk

from our old school way back when

bet she thought i really stunk

hope to see her soon again...




LARZ GUSTAFSSON   August 6, 2009

Fri vers av Larz Gustafsson VIP
Läst 267 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2009-08-06 19:33

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Larz Gustafsson
Larz Gustafsson VIP