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i return to isolation

maybe that´s where i belong

in a corner of creation

just composing pointless songs

either way i´m not designed to

achieve notoriety

of the jet set glitteraces

of the high society



well, who needs me anyway

- i ask myself from time to time -

since the purity of heart is

being considered quite a crime?

when i came i was quite harmless

 but i guess that i have changed

into some kind of a menace

who is vicious and deranged




when i sang "you´ll never change me"

i was wrong then after all

fo you sure did rearrange me

and the loser´s standing small

i spent years in zombie city

and it´s starting to kick in

you can spare me all your pity

i was not supposed to win




LARZ GUSTAFSSON      August 15 ,2009


Fri vers av Larz Gustafsson VIP
Läst 231 gånger
Publicerad 2009-08-15 18:28

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Larz Gustafsson VIP