Min hustru på bron över floden Kwai, Thailand." />
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Min hustru på bron över floden Kwai, Thailand.


suddenly a bomb

detonates somewhere

and kills someone

school boys sent to fronbt

they´ve been forced to fight

with machine guns



how far away

is judgement day?




twelve year old girl raped

by men in a garage

in stockholm town

if you interfer

they might just beat you up

or shoot you down




how far away

is judgement day?




people thrown in jail

because of their beliefs

or points of views

people being hated

and discriminated

because they´re jews




how far away

is judgement day?




LARZ GUSTAFSSON    August 25, 2009

Fri vers av Larz Gustafsson VIP
Läst 199 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2009-08-25 17:47

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