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40 år Male icon från Stockholm


Dagbok - Januari 2008

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Satt under en kurs och hade ytterst tråkigt under föreläsningen. Började skriva utan att jag ens märkte det, och kom på mig själv vad jag höll på med efter en stund. Detta är resultatet.. En sexnovell.

Fredag den 25 Januari 2008


It was a cold night and I could still hear the sirens going three blocks away.
I felt cold and dehydrated as I tried to catch my breath after all the running.
As I was calming down there was a knock on my door. -FBI, open up!
Holy shit, I had to get out of there quickly. I began looking for any exit points and found the emergency ladder outside the window leading to the alley.
Two more knocks at the door. -Open up now!
Gunshots roared as I was halfway down the ladder. I lost my footing and fell down on some concrete blocks just below and got the wind knocked out of me.
I quickly rose up despite the pain and started running to the only place I knew,
124th Washington Ave. It was there my loved Susan Charles worked at the ”local brothel” called D’Agostinos. The police was still on my tail and I had to lose them before going to the nudebar.
Tracking thru the local park was a piece of cake as I had been there many times before when I was dealing drugs. I ran thru bushes and jumped fences as I thought ”Please let me live thru the night”.
I managed to shake the cops one block away from the bar and started to walk slowly to catch my breath once again before meeting Susan. Oh Susan was an angel with the perfect body. She had big pouty breasts that even a basketball player couldn’t fit in the hand, and her ass was round and tight.
I could feel the sweet stench of sex as I opened the gateway to pleasure.
In the far back of the room she was standing with a customer. I immediately felt abandoned, angry and jealous because I knew she had just fucked the brains out of that man. I reached inside my leathercoat and froze when she turned her head towards me and smiled.
-Hi Jay, I haven’t seen your for a long time, how have you been?
-Hey Susan, yeah I’ve been kind of busy lately.
-I see. Do you want me to draw the attention away from work?
I knew she was talking about pure hardcore fucking which I could never refuse from her.
Even the devil himself would have a hard time refusing her fantastic body.
-I don’t know, maybe a quick visit then.
I followed her behind the bardesk into the employee quarters. We went into a room set up for sexual purposes with all kinds of gadgets, toys and tables to please every customer and his needs.
-Ok, here we are once again handsome. She said and started unzipping my pants.
I felt her tender and warm hands grasp my cock as I shut my eyes. After she had stroked it to get it up she opened her mouth wide and slowly swallowed it. Her warm and moist lips felt so nice as she played with it.
-Does it feel good? She asked.
I could hardly get the words out as she continued sucking on it.
-Yes.. it feels great, as always.
She rose up and spread her legs as she mounted me on the chair.
-Oh baby, I’ve missed your big hard cock.
I felt a sudden anger when she told me that as I thought of the previous guy she had fucked.
All I could think of was to reach after my gun and shoot her between the eyes, but atleast I could let her finish the ”job” before I decided what to do with her.
And she did do a good job as she rode me on the chair, digging, letting my cock go deep inside her and then rise up so that the tip of it was the only part still inside her.
That was the best thing I knew after pounding her from behind. In that position you have absolute control, and then the words cpopped.
-Baby, I want you from behind.
She walked over to a desk at the far end of the room. I lifted her legs up and aimed my juicy hard cock at her slutty wet pussy. I slowly slid it inside her to tease and grabbed her left breast in my hand. I started pounding her harder as she yelled and screamed for more, feeling her inside twitch my piece making it tighter and harder for me to fuck her.
-Oh baby, I’m cumming, fuck me harder! She yelled.
I used all my energy to fuck ”her” brains out this time. She started twitching with her entire body as I could feel the pressure inside her and the juice drip along my rockhard cock.
-I’m cumming too.. I mumbled.
I felt it get stiffer and started throbbing, releasing the load inside. One last push, I thought and gave it all I had. Relieved once more, I turned around and released the tension.
-Was it as good for you as it was for me? She asked.
Gunshots were fired before I could answer.
-FBI! We’re looking for a certain Jay and got lead here.
”Fuck!” I thought as I grabbed my clothes and started running toward the backdoor.
There was no thought what so ever on putting my clothes back on as I ran outside.
Now I had to think of another place to thide and I got the perfect idea, Heidi Soerensen at 5th Street downtown. I ran into an alley to dress up and stumbled across a couple fucking, guess I wasn’t the only one getting lucky tonight.
-Excuse me, I’m just getting dressed. I said as iI tried to get my pants on.
The sirens were getting closer, I had to move faster. I took a few shortcuts thru some alleyways and what the fuck, there were people fucking everywhere. The city had gone nuts with sex all of a sudden.
I finally got to Heidi’s apartment, a tenement building, former warehouse remodelled early -90s but it didn’t look like she was home.
-Fuck! What the fucking shit, fucking shitty world! I yelled so hard people two blocks away yelled back at me ”Fuck you buddy, we’re trying to sleep here!”.
I could feel a hard object pressed up against my back.
-I have you now, time to move away for a while.
I stood there like a pole and thought to myself I’d rather die than go back to that shitty place again.
Maybe the fed standing behind me could help with that dilemma.
I quickly turned around to face him as I suddenly froze. My legs started to feel numb and the numbness worked its way up to my arms and neck. I slowly turned my head down and noticed a hole just below my heart. My knees fell to the ground as I grabbed the feds coat.
-Thank you for releasing me.
He just stood there paralyzed and replied. -That wasn’t me..
I looked down and saw the gun in my hand oozing with smoke as if just used.
-I.. I shot myself. I said and fell to the ground trying to grasp air as my body began to feel cold.
My vision started to fade out. I reached inside my pocket and got out a scrumpled note and held it infront of the Fed. He took it and put it in his jacket.
-I will see you later. I said before everything turned to black.
But that wasn’t the end for me. I found a better place where pussy is abundant and hot chicks walk everywhere. I was in heaven. My whole life flashed by and it stopped at the night I met Heidi.
It was at a french restaurant not too far from her apartment. She was sitting by herself in a white sport-top and sweatpants at a table at the entrance.
I shook my nerves and inhaled and started walking towards her.
-Hi there, do you mind if I sit by this table miss? I asked.
-No no, go ahead. She replied and shuffled her purse and cellphone.
My eyes caught the sight of her cleavage which exposed her breasts immensly.
-Excuse me, what are you looking at? She asked embarresed.
-Sorry, I just thought about some work.
-I see, busy at the office as usual right? She replied with a smile.
-Kind of. But that wasnt true, all I could think about was what I’d öike to do to her sexually.
How godly it would be to hav e her as a trophy, my pet, to give me pleasure whenever i wanted.
-Excuse me.. mr?
-My name’s Jay.
-Jay, you seem distracted, do you want to head out someplace else?
-Yes sure, that’d be great. I stuttered. I wasn’t prepared for that one but atleast I had half in.
I went home thinking of what I would do to easely get her in bed which was my soul purpose.
I went to bed with a shot of whiskey and a newspaper, the headlines read ”Old couple caught in public practicing sex”.
-You go old man. I said out loud before passing out.
The next morning I woke up with gunshots in the alley, but that wasn’t unusual at all since that alley was the local drugdealing corner.
-That what you be gettin’ when fuckin’ with me bro’ ! An unknown voice yelled. But that’s another story, let’s get back with the fucking.
Right, I dressed up for work when my private cell began to ring.
-Hello? I answered questionably.
-Hi, it’s Heidi are you still on for tonight?
-Yeah, but how the fuck did you get this number? I answered a bit irritated.
-Oh, I found you in the phonebook, you don’t mind do you?
-No no, I was just surprised that’s all.
-Ok, then I’ll see you tonight then. She said before hanging up.
I met her at an italian restaurant and this time she was dressed like a princess, and she looked fucking hot.
She looked so hot I could just rip off her clothes and fuck her right here, right now. But that wasn’t a possibility.
First I needed to put down work on her, shape her to my likings. It started better than expected, much better.
She explained to me how booze made her.. ”hornier” than a cockerspaniel and how she could go all night and all that bull
you usually hear from people trying to get you in bed, but perhaps this was it, atleast for me. We talked all night about her
interests and hobbies, aswell as my work and what I did for a living. After some time I noticed some distinct changes in her
behaviour. Yes, it was the booze working its magic thru the system.
-Say, do you want to get out of here and head over to my place? She asked.
-Sure, this is a shitty place anyway. I replied laughing on the inside.
Now I would get to fuck her so hard that she wouldn’t be able to stand straight for months. The plan spun in motion.
After a twenty minute walk we stood in front of her tenement apartment. We chatted about societies inhumane grip of the ghettos.
All of a sudden we just stood silent. It was depressing and I had to come up with something soon or this bait would get ripped apart.
She looked down and took a few steps forward, and shy she was, waiting for me to make the move.
And I did, I flew over her like a shark that hadn’t eaten for months and pushed her up against the building and caressed her
her entire beautiful body. I put my hand under her skirt caressing her legs and slowly moved my way up to the most beautiful
place in the world. She was wet.. wetter than the atlantic ocean and the pacific combined, maybe she hadn’t gotten any for weeks,
even months. This night was mine for the taking.

Fredag den 25 Januari 2008

4 Facts

Life separates us. Death joins us.
Strife kills us. Health revives us.



januari (2)