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With your eyes blindfolded

I suddenly stop cleaning up
in my small apartment

on upper eastside

you left something behind

A black unmarked t-shirt
smelling lightly of sweet smoke
and a warm body

Then I suddenly realise

that you are different from me

and I can't decide in this world
where all is right
and everything is wrong

If you are different from me
or am I from you?

Are you the demon or angel

Maybe I'm the redhead devil

and you the child of a saint

with golden curls

Will I go bloody out of this fight
where we conjure war
with your eyes blindfolded

Please unmake
this spell cast over me

You're not even realising
keeping me

from being free

Fri vers av Plumflower
Läst 726 gånger
Publicerad 2008-01-08 20:23

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