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  Jordens framtid är något jag bryr mig om och funderar mycket kring.

Murder earth

We are a rock in deep space,
caught by a shining star.
We sense the sun’s embrace,
where ever we are.

We live by land and ocean,
by all that we can take.
We create a vast pollution,
in all that we make.

But I still have faith in us
that one day we’ll change
and make it all better again

We are a conquering race
that kill all opposing force
We are in need to embrace
the problem at its source

We are reaching end of time
there’s no turning around
We are a universal crime
polluting water, air and ground

But I still have faith in us
that one day we’ll change
and do all that we can

Av: Boa Berg

Fri vers av Boa Berg
Läst 770 gånger
Publicerad 2004-06-02 00:43

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