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The little twinkling lamps around the house are not twinkling this year.

The white statue of that loving angel remains alone in the corner of the basement.

The beautiful portrait of the holy mother, full of dust, on the above of her bed does not capture any attention any more.

The phone has been dead long time ago.

he, in his corner, in his silence is sinking into his thoughts. aimless.

she, in her corner, at the other side of the house is staring at her empty whisky glass. soulless.

Those two do not have anything to say to each other.

Those two never had anything to say to each other

The house has been lost in silence coldness darkness hesitation threats doubt hate lies.

The little blinking lights around the house are not blinking this year.

The little blinking lights around the house have not been blinking for many years.


San Diego, CA, USA, December 10, 2000

Fri vers av Samuel E. Rajeus VIP
Läst 566 gånger
Publicerad 2009-04-25 12:11

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