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The strongly colored marionettes

At the trouble maker’s market

Don’t capture my attention anymore.


The carefully designed boo boo dolls

Behind the shiny shop windows of the shopping center

Have been waiting for a date for a long time.

In vain!


The mass production companies of toys for boys

Have lost another customer.

Who cares!


The beautiful and colorful paper blooms

Of a period of my life, carefully saved,

For a long time, in my small and large photo albums

Suddenly find themselves in the outdoor trashcan.


On the wall of my room there is no sign

Of the expensive, double balloons voo doo portrait.


But in my eyes and in my heart

There is a deep feeling of satisfaction.


San Diego, CA, May 09, 2001



Fri vers av Samuel E. Rajeus VIP
Läst 913 gånger
Publicerad 2009-04-25 12:17

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