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(1) The first scene

A poor female drug addict
A woman
With her trembling hands
And her pale face
A body of bone and skin, a skeleton
Unhappy, worried and confused
Going back and forth on the scene
Mumbling, asking and wondering why

A poor male drug addict
A man
Another shadow of a human being
Another pale face
Evidence that we failed
Unable to explain why

The second poor female drug addict
Another woman
Another failure
Another skeleton
Forcing herself to the front scene

Fighting with the first woman
Yelling and screaming:
You bitch
Give me back my man
The audience, howling satisfactory
The animals, shrieking continuously
Some satisfied and happy monsters
Yelling and screaming:
Hit her
Beat her
Kill each other
Ya! Ya! You deserve it whores.

(2) The second scene

A midget
A poor midget
Jumping up and down
On the scene
Entertaining the monsters
Entertaining the animals
With his beautiful normal sized wife
Evidence that there is no limit for love.

(3) The third scene

A transsexual group
A man wishing to be a woman
With his distasteful dress and extreme make up
A woman
With a female voice and goatee
A man with a bra and leather pants
And a woman
With some frightening tattoo and a hundred

(4) The fourth scene

The fat ladies
And some three hundred pounds
Women with their underwear
Gobbled down the food
Among the guffawing of the audience
Among the howling of the animals
Among the sick acting woo of the monsters
What a collection
Drug addicts
The midget
Men and women

From the corners of our societies
People in pain
People in need
People who are sick
People who have nothing
People who need some money
Make yourselves ridiculous to entertain
Some monsters gathered from all over the country

(5) The final scene

The noise of happy animals
The intellectual talk of the zookeeper
And its arrogance smile
The sad faces of people on the scene
And the sad faces of some people among audience
Among the ugly scream of selfish animals
And the ugly smile of the J.S.
And its ridiculous jest
The main clown of the show
The Zookeeper.

Fri vers av Samuel E. Rajeus VIP
Läst 753 gånger
Publicerad 2009-04-27 08:25

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