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  At least 490 protesters, including 68 children have been killed during the Iran´s latest unrest in the last three months, according to the Human Rights Activists' News Agency (HRANA).


Those rich honor keepers

are believers among other

white-bearded and big-bellied

men who give order to their

daughters to listen to the God´s word

and hide their hair behind a veil

but they in the same time have four

wives and *“a good relationship with

the woman in the neighborhood too”.


Those large honor keepers

are rich God´s men among others

who sit in their stores from

morning to evening and mix

hundreds tommans rice with five

hundreds tommas rice and sell it

to people for five hundred tommans.


Those religious honor keepers

believe that they can commit

any criminality without fear of

panishment if they just cry

some tears at a religious ceremony

while wearing black suit and giving

away some money to some mosques.


Those real honorees 

are religious women who

go to religious ceremonies regularly

and give God feasts every month

to show their jewelry, dresses and

other means to other false and

non-honorable women.


Those powerful honor keepers

send ordinary people´s children

to war and those youngsters get killed

and murdered while they, in the cities

far from the war, maintain their

disgusting honor.


Those bloodthirsty honor keepers

put in prison young sons and daughters of

fine people and execute them in order to

keep their own honor that never existed.


Those monstrous honor keepers are

the most dishonored human beings

in the history.


 *Mina Asadi

© Samuel E. Rajeus, Written in 1989 and revised in 1995 

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Läst 846 gånger
Publicerad 2009-04-27 08:35

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