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Boys boys boys

Boys boys boys

Why are we meant to be

Boys some will always be

Boys boys boys

Why did you not call me

Dip it it and then you leave

Boys boys boys

Is this what you call being free

What about the history

Boys boys boys

Are you missing me

Only messing and pressing

Boys boys boys

What's on your mind

are you kind or


Boys boys boys

Are you obsessive or possessive

Boys boys boys

Should never get it twice

Why should we be nice

It aint about the price

Boys boys boys

Charm is all you got

But when we knock on the shell

mines are all that dropp

drip drip drip BOM

Girls girls girls

Don't let them dip if you cant swimm

instead of regretting the second

Make sure the first doesn't happen

with a


with a


Fri vers av -Dandy
Läst 206 gånger och applåderad av 2 personer
Publicerad 2009-10-23 00:34

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