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Think again

She thought he was the one

I love men and all

but right now

at this very moment in my life

they have caused nothing but


and a lot if it

Not to me thou

to all the friends around me

Lets just say the "stress" of finding a man

just got a bit stress less

I've just had a friend who got dumped over the phone
after her then boyfriend couldn't answer if he was in love with her

He had been thinking over it over the past month, and now that she happened to ask him, dragging the answer out of him as it pained her to ask, he replied, no , no , I don't think I love you, or its not think, I don't, I don't love you. She had simply called him that night to say god night and I love you, a god night it never came to be.

A other friend with a different story, a different guy, a different scum.
Her story is long, but in summary, he cheated on her for over EIGHT months with a younger girl that under these 8 months had also been living with him without my friends knowledge. For 8 fucking months he called her, met with her, told her he loved her, whiles he did it to another. When his mistress found out, his apartment was broken to pieces, she was pissed, with all rights. unfortunately, pissed was not all she was, pregnant with his baby is a point I've missed.
My friend was crushed to say the least, deceived, betrayed, raped from all the sides, she was stamped on and spit on by the one she thought she loved. Now she calls him his friend, she says she pities him, that love doesn't shut off over night, she forgave his crime, I can't.

More stories to come
more crushed dreams
more broken friends
more deception
more scum

Fri vers av -Dandy
Läst 204 gånger och applåderad av 2 personer
Publicerad 2009-10-23 01:13

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