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A perfect sculpture mold

There's nothing against lonleyness
But something holds me back

My heart is screming like neverless
Something found in my sack

If I could cry I would do with thousand tears
But the buck is not to deep

When I long for all that can't hold back fears
Tears drops when I weep

How can I make you find my love so deep
When you so hard to find

Can I make you find my dreams longing sleep
When you cross my simple mind

It is so hard, now these days knowing you there
Stuck in all bounds so scared

The yellow lion hunt, as all and everywhere
Behind walls and all this bared

As brown eyes told me future of love and sacrifice
That time is something to be hold

As hand is holding and tossing loves simple dice
We shape a perfect sculpture mold

Fri vers av Magnus Mojo Olsson
Läst 526 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2009-12-12 03:55

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Magnus Mojo Olsson
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