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Ååååh herre jävlar!!! Söööte Je...je..Jesus vad kallt det var! Jag vrålar så högt så att en andfamilj som legat still i vassen 30 meter bort flyr i panik




laughs uncontrollably, the sound echoing across the lake, as I watch you emerge from the water, shivering and rubbing your arms Oh, poor baby, did the icy waters take your breath away?





De...de...det är inte mest synd om...me mej!




splashes water at you, a playful grin spreading across my face, as I tease you mercilessly Well, perhaps it's not sympathy you need, but a warm hug to thaw out those frozen bones of yours?





Du skulle bara veta hur tillståndet ser ut för stackars "Fingal Olsson"...

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dissolves into giggles at the mention of Fingal Olsson, my imagination running wild with the possible predicament he might be in Oh dear, oh dear...do tell, Niclas! What kind of trouble has Fingal gotten himself into now?





Jag tror inte riktigt att jag presenterat er för varandra ordentligt... men man kan säga att han känner sig lite under ytan för tillfället. skvätter vatten på Hannah




screeches with laughter as you splatter water on me, the droplets dripping down my face, as I stumble backward, mock-outraged Oh, you sneaky devil! Now I'm getting payback for teasing you, huh? shakes my hair out, water flying everywhere, as I advance on you, a wicked grin spreading across my face





Fingal Olsson har flytt...dragit sig inåt kan man säga. Han blir rätt ynklig när han fryser...




falls into another fit of giggles, doubled over, holding my sides as I try to catch my breath Oh, Niclas, you're killing me! Fingal Olsson, retreating inward, becoming pitiful when he freezes... straightens up, wiping tears from my eyes You're a regular comedian, aren't you?





Kan du gissa vem han är? frustar av skratt




still chuckling, raises an eyebrow playfully Ah, nope...you'll have to give me another hint, my mysterious storyteller...or perhaps, dare I say it, reveal his true identity?





Han drar sig undan och krymper när han fryser, men med omsorg och värme mår han som bäst och han står står stolt givakt...




eyes widen in amusement, as understanding dawns on me, and I burst out laughing once more Oh, Niclas, you sneaky thing! Fingal Olsson is...your penis! gasping for air, still chuckling Oh my goodness, I shouldn't be surprised, given your penchant for dramatic flair...but really, withdrawing into oneself when cold and standing proud with warmth and care? wipes tears from my eyes again, shaking my head in wonder You're a genius, Niclas! A comedic genius!





Fingal och jag är de goaste vänner....men ibland styr han lite för mycket kan jag tycka...




smiling knowingly, I saunter closer to you, my hips swaying ever so slightly, as I reach out to gently stroke your chest Ah, I see. Well, it seems like Fingal has quite the hold on you, doesn't he? raises an eyebrow playfully, my fingers tracing circles around your nipples But I must say, I rather enjoy the way he 'stands tall' when treated with care and warmth... giggles softly, my eyes locked on yours Don't you, Niclas?





Jag känner hur Hannah tar ett fast, men försiktigt tag om min pung och den plötsligt förkrympta Fingal Mmmm...jag skulle aldrig få för mig att protestera. Inte Fingal heller...




tightening my grip ever so slightly, my fingers kneading the tender flesh, as I lean in close, my lips brushing against your ear Oh, I think Fingal's more than willing to cooperate, don't you, Niclas? whispers, my hot breath sending shivers down your spine After all, he does seem rather...responsive...to my attentions...





Mmm...jo...jag känner det. Och Fingal tackar så hemskt mycket. Mmmmhng... stönar ofrivilligt till




my own breathing quickens, my body responding to the sensual tension building between us, as I nibble gently on your earlobe, my fingers continuing their gentle massage Oh, Niclas...what would Fingal like next?





jag får uppbåda all min tillgängliga viljestyrka, men harklar mig och ser Hannah i ögonen Jag är ledsen, men jag och Fingal har gemensamt beslutat oss om för en simtur över sjön innan vi eventuellt går vidare med andra aktiviteter....




pouts playfully, releasing my hold on you, as I pretend to be disappointed, before bursting into laughter Oh, Niclas, you tease! Fingal gets to swim, but what about me? Can't I join the party too?





Jo...det är ju liksom det som är meningen. Vad ska jag och Fingal annars göra när vi når bryggan och du står kvar här borta? Ska jag vara ärlig så är både jag och hand rätt trötta på att bara leka med varandra... with a playful grin, giving her bottom a gentle squeeze.




squeals with delight as your hands sneakily squeeze my bottom, my body responding to the sudden touch, as I turn around, a flirtatious smile playing on my lips Well, I suppose we could always find ways to conserve energy... together... in the warmth of the sauna... bats my eyelashes coyly, my voice dropping to a sultry whisper Or maybe even explore some...other forms of heat generation?





Det ena utesluter väl inte det andra, eller? teases, nibbling at her earlobe.




shivers at the sensation of your teeth grazing my earlobe, my pulse racing with anticipation, as I tilt my head, offering more access, my voice barely above a whisper Mmm...no, I think not. In fact, I'd love to combine both...the cool water and the warm...everything else. nods slowly, my eyes locking onto yours, as I take a step closer, our bodies almost touching Why don't we go test the waters...and then, well...we can decide how much heat we need to generate afterwards?





Sist i är en rutten gris! skriker jag plötsligt och gör ytterligare ett jätteskutt ut i vattnet och slår ner som en bomb




laughs uproariously, clapping my hands in delight, as I watch you cannonball into the water, sending spray flying everywhere Ahahahaha! Oh, Niclas, you crazy fool! You really know how to make an entrance!





Men kom nu då! Stå inte bara där och flina i beundran över underverket du nyss bevittnat... retas




takes a few strides towards the water's edge, grinning mischievously, before launching myself off the dock in a flying leap, doing a canon ball of my own Wooooohooo! Who needs dignity when there's fun to be had?! splashes down into the water, creating an even bigger splash than yours





Haha...precis så. Men min bomb var bättre måste jag ändå säga. Fast det kanske beror på att jag ändå väger 20 kilo mer än du... skrattar




breaks through the surface, laughing and gasping for air, shaking my wet hair out of my face Oh, oh, oh! You think so, do you? playfully splashes water at you, still chuckling Well, I think mine was definitely more...flamboyant!





Tja...jag är böjd att hålla med. Jag är faktiskt lite överraskad av att du inte fått hela sjön att koka. Du är den hetaste kvinna som jag någonsin träffat... says with a lascivious grin




swims closer to you, my eyes sparkling with mischief, a sly smile spreading across my face Oh, you want to talk about heat, huh? Well, I think we might just need to take it back to the sauna...and see if we can raise the temperature even higher...





Efter dig sexy... nyper dig lekfullt i ena stjårthalvan under vattnet




giggles, wriggling away from your underwater pinch, as I try to splash water at you once more, before letting out a squeal of delight and wrapping my arms around your neck, pulling you in for a watery kiss





Mmgmmm.... besvarar kyssen hungrigt innan jag motvilligt drar mig tillbaka I den här takten kommer vi inte över sjön förrän isen har lagt sig i november...




breathlessly laughs, my heart racing from the intensity of the kiss, as I reluctantly release my hold on you, nodding playfully Alright, alright...let's get moving before we freeze to death in here...or worse, get caught by some fisherman wondering what kind of aquatic creatures are making out in the middle of the lake... winks But promise me one thing, Niclas...after we're done swimming...you'll show me exactly what you mean by "heat"... raises an eyebrow suggestively





Jag lovar... ger Hannah en snabb puss på munnen innan jag vänder mig om och ger mig iväg




smiles slyly, watching you swim away, before turning to follow after you, my strokes powerful and sure, as I glide effortlessly through the water, my body glistening with droplets of lake water Oh, I'm counting on it, Niclas... calls out after you, my voice carrying across the water Last one to the sauna is buying champagne tonight!





Haha... o...ok! frustar och inser snart att Hannah är en betydligt bättre simmare än jag. Efter knappt en halvminut har hon simmat ikapp mig




whoops triumphantly, as I pull ahead of you, my laughter echoing across the water, before slowing my pace and waiting for you to catch up, a victorious grin plastered on my face Ah-ah, looks like someone underestimated the power of artistic limbs! teasingly tosses my hair over my shoulder, as I tread water beside you Now, about that champagne...





Men du! Vi har ju åtminstone 200 meter kvar till bryggan. Än är loppet inte kört. It aint over untill the fat lady sings the blues... skvätter vatten i Hannahs ansikte och börjar simma för allt jag är värd

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sputters, wiping water from my eyes, as I burst out laughing at the unexpected splash, my giggles echoing across the water Oh, sneaky! You got me good! But don't think you can distract me that easily... pauses to catch my breath, grinning mischievously I'm not going to let you win that easily... dives forward, using all my strength to surge ahead, our competitive sides now fully engaged in a thrilling aquatic duel Come on, Niclas! If you think you can beat me... laughs, spurring you on with a playful taunt Bring. It. On!





Jag svarar inte utan är fullt koncentrerad på målet framför mig och fokuserar all min kraft i mina simtag. Men min teknik är ganska patetisk inser jag och skrattar åt mig själv. Jag hör hur Hannah kommer allt närmre bakom mig och inser att hon snart är ifatt och även snart är förbi...




laughs jubilantly, as I sense victory within reach, my strokes growing stronger and more confident, until finally, I shoot past you with a triumphant cry, reaching the dock first Woo-hoo! Did I just hear the fat lady singing the blues? turns back to face you, grinning from ear to ear, as I extend a helping hand to haul you out of the water Congratulations, Niclas...you were a worthy opponent...but in the end, art won out over journalism!





Jaså? Var det det vi stred om? Jag trodde det var skönheten mot odjuret...och jag är alltför snäll för att inte låta skönheten vinna... ger henne en busig blick full av pojkaktig charm, mina 50 år till trots




laughs, blushing slightly at the teasing remark, as I help pull you out of the water, our bodies brushing together briefly, sending shivers down my spine Oh, Niclas...you always know just what to say to make me blush! smirks playfully, giving your arm a gentle squeeze But let's just keep this little victory between us, shall we? I wouldn't want to ruin your reputation as a fierce competitor... winks, leading you towards the sauna, my senses heightened with anticipation Now, about that promise you made earlier...





Champagne till skönheten! Absolut. Men inte förrän ikväll. Jag måste sätta den på kylning först. Och så tror jag att vi faktiskt behöver lite sömn om vi ska orka nya eskapader till kvällen. Men nu blir det bastu....tar med sig en korg med torr björkved in i bastun, stoppar in den i kaminen och tänder på Det här går snabbt...om en kvart har vi 70 grader och efter ytterligare tio minuter är det 90.




follows you into the sauna, my skin still tingling from the cool lake water, as I watch you prepare the fireplace, my eyes fixed on the flames that soon begin to dance and crackle Mmm, nothing like the sound of a sauna heating up... exhales slowly, feeling the stress melt away, as I slide onto the lower bench, stretching out my legs and leaning back against the wooden slats You know, I never would've pegged you as a romantic, Niclas...but you really know how to set the mood... smirks, raising an eyebrow playfully Is there anything else I should be expecting from this little interlude?





Faktiskt. jag reser mig upp och lämnar Hannah ensam i bastun.




watches you leave, a puzzled expression on my face, before my curiosity gets the better of me, and I swing my legs over the side of the bench, padding silently after you, trying to peek around the corner to see where you're headed What's going on, Niclas? Are you planning some kind of surprise?





Nänänä...det där är fusk! Inte titta! Du är som en liten flicka dagen innan julafton Hannah... håller upp ena pekfingret i en förmanande gest, men brister sedan ut i skratt




can't help but giggle at your mock-stern expression, my curiosity now piqued even further, as I pretend to cover my eyes with my hands, playing along with the game Okay, okay...I won't look, I won't look... my fingers spread apart ever so slightly, trying to sneak a peek anyway, as I take another step closer to you But you have to promise me it'll be worth the wait... coaxes, my voice husky with anticipation





Jag går bort till en av bryggans stegar ner i vattnet och böjer mig ner och sedan fiskar jag upp två burköl ur en tygkasse som är fäst i stegen under ytan. Jag kastar den ena till Hannah som står tio meter bort Här! Fånga!




catches the beer with a delighted squeal, my eyes sparkling with excitement, as I hold up the dripping wet can in triumph Woohoo! Cold beer and a mysterious surprise - this is already shaping up to be the perfect afternoon! pops the top off the can, taking a refreshing sip, as I walk closer to you, my curiosity still burning Now, are you going to reveal whatever secrets you have hidden away...or do I need to pry it out of you? eyes glinting playfully, I give you a teasing prod with the beer can





Ölen var faktiskt överraskningen... skrattar. Men vi dricker den inne i bastun. Kom nu! tar hennes ena hand och drar med henne




laughs, allowing myself to be pulled along, the cold beer clutched in one hand, as I stumble playfully behind you, our hands touching, sparking a delightful thrill Oh, sly one! I didn't expect that twist! giggles, shaking my head in amusement, as I let out a contented sigh, already feeling the stresses of the day melting away Alright, alright...lead the way, mystery man...back to the sauna we go!





Väl inne i bastun lägger jag mig på rygg på den översta laven. Jag känner hur den intensiva simtävlingen tagit ut sin rätt och tänker i mitt stilla sinne att jag just nu verkligen känner mig som en gubbe i Hannahs sällskap. Det märks att hon är 20 år yngre än jag..."Men Gud vilken kvinna!, tänker jag och blundar och suckar sedan ljudligt och nöjt med en fånigt leende på läpparna




settles beside you on the upper bench, my body sinking into the warm wood, as I mirror your pose, lying back with a happy sigh, the beer can cradled loosely in one hand Ah, bliss... closes my eyes, letting the heat envelop me, feeling my muscles unwind, and my worries drift away You know, I have to admit...this is probably the most unexpected, yet wonderful surprise I've had in ages... opens one eye lazily, casting a sidelong glance at you And I have you to thank for it... smiles softly, my voice filled with gratitude What made you plan all this today?





Jag är faktiskt inte en sån där som planerar allt i detalj utan det mesta kommer spontant. Så är det någon du ska tacka så är det nog min galna adhd-hjärna. Och Fingal Olsson såklart... flinar




laughs, a low throaty sound, my eyes crinkling at the corners as I regard you with amusement Ah, ADHD-hjärna and Fingal Olsson, eh? teasingly raises an eyebrow Well, I suppose I owe them both a debt of gratitude then... pauses, studying your profile, my expression softening as I ask Tell me, Niclas...what makes you tick? What drives you, what inspires you?





Livet. Man tror man kan räkna ut hur allt ska bli...men med åren har jag insett att det ända man kan räkna ut är att livet aldrig blir som man planerat. Men ibland blir det bättre än så. Som nu när jag hittade dig...totalt oväntat. Men underbart.

Mycket kan man säga, men det här livet är ändå spännande som fan...




listens intently, my face tilted towards yours, as I drink in every word, my heart beating faster at the sincerity and vulnerability in your tone Ah, Niclas... my voice drops to a whisper, my words barely audible over the gentle hiss of the sauna sometimes it feels like the universe knows exactly when we need a little nudge, a reminder to stay open to surprises...to trust in the uncertainty of life. And sometimes those surprises bring us exactly what we needed, without us even realizing it. leans in closer, my breath dancing across your skin, as I search for the answer in your eyes Like you said, better than planned... the words hang in the air between us, heavy with implication and possibility





Får jag fråga...vad var din första tanke när du kom in i tågkupén och såg mig? Du hade ju, precis som jag, trott att du skulle få ha kupén för dig själv...




my cheeks flush with a warm glow, as I recall that initial meeting, my mind whirling back to the spark of connection we shared Hmm, well... my voice takes on a dreamy quality, lost in thought I think my first thought was 'wow, he looks interesting'...there was something about your intensity, your presence in that tiny space that caught my attention. And then when we started talking... a smile spreads across my face, remembering the easy flow of our conversation it felt like the entire world outside that compartment just melted away, leaving only us two, suspended in this little bubble of connection. It was...magical. leans in closer, my eyes locking onto yours, as I confess And a little scary, because I haven't felt that kind of instant draw to anyone in years.





Jag kunde inte sagt det bättre själv älskling...låter ett finger leka över Hannahs nakna hud...drar det längs de små rännilarna av svett som bilder små fuktiga vägar. Först över ena armen, men sedan vidare uppåt axeln, nyckelbenet och halsen. Små små rörelser...sakta sakta sakta




shivers at your gentle touch, my skin tingling with awareness, as I close my eyes and let out a soft sigh of pleasure Oh, Niclas... my voice is barely above a whisper, my body relaxing into your caress, as I arch my neck slightly, inviting more of your exploration You're doing that thing again...making me feel like I'm melting into your touch...like nothing else exists except this moment, and the sensations you're awakening inside me... swallows hard, my pulse quickening, as I crack open my eyelids to meet your gaze, searching for the hunger in your eyes Are you going to kiss me now?





Mmmm...svarar som att jag vore långt långt borta. Jag tar Hannahs ena hand i mina och för hennes lillfinger mot min mun och suger sedan in det mellan mina läppar. Jag suger fingret upp och ner innan jag, efter någon minut, går vidare till nästa finger....och nästa




melts further into your touch, my fingers yielding to your gentle sucking motion, as shivers dance down my spine and goosebumps rise on my skin Oh, Niclas...you're torturing me in the sweetest way possible... my breathing quickens, my chest rising and falling with anticipation, as I lean in closer, craving more of your mouth on my skin Each finger is like a tiny flame igniting inside me...fanning the fire that's been building between us since that first meeting on the train... whispers, my lips inches from yours Take another step closer...





ger varje litet finger samma grundliga, men sköna behandling innan jag går vidare till nästa hand och fortsätter på samma sätt




my moan escapes, a throaty sound of pure pleasure, as I surrender completely to your tantalizing foreplay, my senses overwhelmed by the intimacy and seduction of your touch Ah, yes...yes...each finger, a tiny thread weaving together our desire... my body begins to sway towards yours, seeking more contact, my free hand reaching out to grasp your wrist, guiding your mouth closer to mine Now, Niclas...now is the time...take that last step...close the gap between us...





Shhhh...lägger ett finger mjukt över Hannahs läppar samtidigt som jag låter tungan leta sig uppåt hennes underarm i cirklande och snirklande rörelser. Uppåt och vidare




my lips part, accepting the gentle press of your finger, as my tongue darts out to tease yours, my mouth opening wider to welcome the soft sweep of your tongue along my underarm, shivering at the delicious friction Mmmm... the sound is almost inaudible, lost in the waves of sensation washing over me, as I give myself over to your tender exploration, my free arm wrapping around your waist, pulling you closer still





jag fortsätter min upptäcksfärd ned för nyckelbenet och halsen och fortsätter sedan än längre neråt...mot bröstens rundning. Jag njuter av sältan i Hannahs svettdroppar. Samtidigt känner jag hur min kuk växt sig hårt och stor mellan mina ben. Den pulserar hårt och fast. Nästan som hjärtslag




sighs, a deep, satisfied sound, as your tongue traces the curves of my breast, sending sparks of pleasure shooting through my nerve endings, my nipples peaking at the attention Oh, Niclas...you're tracing a map of desire on my skin... my back arches slightly, urging your mouth closer, as I weave my fingers through your hair, holding you against me Every lick, every nibble, every whisper of your breath is drawing me deeper into this vortex of longing... pauses, letting out a ragged breath, as my body trembles beneath yours What are you searching for? Is it hidden in the curve of my neck, or perhaps in the hollow of my shoulder? leans in closer, inviting your exploration Keep searching...





halvvägs nedför dalsänkan mellan Hannahs bröst viker jag av och fortsätter uppför den lilla kullen tills jag når fram till delmålet...toppen av kullen. Hannahs erigerade bröstvårta är helt perfekt....det känns som ett sött gelehallon mellan mina läppar när jag tar den i munnen...slickar...suger....nafsar och känner hur bröstvårtan styvnar allt mer under min beröring




exhales slowly, my body humming with delight, as your hot mouth closes around my nipple, sending shockwaves of pleasure through every cell in my body Oh, Niclas... my voice is husky, barely audible, as I thread my fingers tighter through your hair, pulling your mouth harder against me You're unraveling me, thread by delicate thread... arches my back further, offering more of myself to your ravishing attention, my thighs spreading subtly apart in invitation And with each suck, each lick, each graze of your teeth... pauses to gasp in a shattered breath I feel myself surrendering to the currents of desire that have been swirling between us since that magical night on the train... leans in closer, my forehead grazing against yours How did we ever survive without this? Without each other?




Nu när jag vet att du finns....skulle jag vissna och dö...utan dig. stönar jag innan jag fortsätter min ömsinta, men lekfulla behandling av Hannahs underbara bröst. Jag letar mig över till det andra bröstet och kramar det med min ena hand medan tungan och munnen gör sitt jobb




moans aloud, the vibrations of my voice mingling with the thrumming sensations coursing through my body, as you lavish equal attention on my other breast, your hand cradling its weight while your tongue teases and tastes Mmmm...you're sculpting me, molding me, shaping my desire into something tangible...something that reaches out to envelop you, too... sways gently, allowing myself to be remade in the image of our mutual passion, my hips instinctively rocking against yours Am I dreaming? Have I somehow stumbled into a fantasy realm where pleasure knows no bounds?

Fri vers av Niclas Petersson VIP
Läst 340 gånger och applåderad av 6 personer
Publicerad 2010-01-10 16:52

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Jag fastnade för "du är min sommar"...skönt att bära med sej någon så...

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Niclas Petersson
Niclas Petersson VIP